Building Partnership for Impact
A region united to defeat malaria
Supporting voices of most vulnerable
Serving Governments
A Region United for Impact

APLMA unites the Asia Pacific region in a collective effort to eliminate malaria. By fostering collaboration among governments, health organizations, and communities, we leverage shared resources and expertise.

Supporting the most vulnerable

By partnering with communities and grassroots organizations, we ensure that those most affected are heard and their needs addressed. Our initiatives focus on equitable access to healthcare, advocacy for inclusive policies, and empowering local leaders.

Serving Governments

APLMA partners with governments across the Asia Pacific to combat malaria. We provide strategic support, policy advocacy, and technical expertise to strengthen national health initiatives. By working closely with governmental bodies, we help develop and implement effective malaria control programs, ensuring resources are optimized and impact maximized.

Building partnerships for impact
Supporting policy and decision-making
Uplifting community voices
Uniting the region against malaria
our mission

Malaria elimination by 2030

To support and facilitate the elimination of malaria from the Asia Pacific by 2030, driving implementation of the APLMA Leaders’ Malaria Elimination Roadmap by:​ benchmarking progress against priorities; ​coordinating regional action and brokering policy, technical and financing solutions to regional and national challenges; and, ​bolstering effective country leadership to expedite the elimination of malaria at in each country by 2030.

Empowering progress, overcoming challenges

APLMA brings together not just health officials, but also senior leaders from various sectors. This comprehensive approach allows them to identify and address bottlenecks hindering progress. By facilitating cross-border collaboration and working alongside the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN), we empower tangible elimination efforts across the region, with a particular focus on countries facing the heaviest malaria burden.

Equipping leaders for success

APLMA equips governments and political leaders with the knowledge they need to succeed. We provide access to regional and national data, best practices, and innovative tools, ensuring leaders have the visibility and resources required to end malaria for good.

Strengthening Communities, Securing Health

APLMA recognizes that vulnerable communities often bear the brunt of malaria's burden. We go beyond national leadership, working directly with local health workers and community leaders. By empowering them with resources and training, we strengthen their capacity to deliver life-saving interventions and education to those most at risk.





The spectre of drug-resistant malaria is recognised as a public health threat requiring national and regional responses.


GOAL at eas

The 18 members of the East Asia Summit (EAS) unanimously agree on the goal of making the Asia-Pacific free of malaria by 2030. APLMA is tasked with creating and implementing a Roadmap for attaining this goal.



The EAS reaffirms its commitment to malaria elimination by 2030, and requests for a 5-year progress report on the progress made in the region towards 2030.

Our mission

The Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) works to ensure an Asia Pacific free of malaria by 2030 through technical advocacy and evidence-based policy.

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Through the EDEN initiative, the initiative on eliminating malaria and other vector borne diseases through enhanced regional partnership, I look forward for our own government's contribution--not just for Papua New Guinea but for our cousins in the region to the West and to the East.
Hon James Marape, MP
Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea
Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit on Malaria Elimination Papua New Guinea, 7 June 2024
We reaffirmed our commitment to the goal of an Asia-Pacific free of malaria by 2030, and welcomed ongoing efforts to implement proposed actions in the Asia Pacific Leaders’ Malaria Elimination Roadmap, including the five-year progress report delivered to the EAS Leaders in 2020.
HON Nguyễn Xuân Phúc
Prime minister of viet nam
Chairman’s Statement of the 15th East Asia Summit
Viet Nam, 14 November 2020
We reiterated our commitment to the goal of a malaria-free Asia Pacific by 2030 and acknowledged ongoing efforts in the implementation of the Asia Pacific Leaders’ Malaria Elimination Roadmap. We therefore requested for a 5-year progress report on the progress made in the region towards 2030 to be submitted to the EAS in 2020
HON General Prayut Chan-o-cha
Prime Minister of Thailand
Chairman’s Statement of the 14th East Asia Summit
Bangkok/Nonthaburi, 4 November 2019
We reaffirmed our commitment to the goal of an Asia-Pacific free of malaria by 2030, and welcomed ongoing efforts to implement proposed actions in the endorsed Asia Pacific Leaders’ Malaria Elimination Roadmap.
HON Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister of Singapore
Chairman’s Statement of the 13th East Asia Summit
Singapore, 15 November 2018

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