Indonesia: Papua to advance malaria elimination goal from 2030 to 2025

Dr Mboi took part in a TV programme with Dr Beeri I.S. Wopari, head of the Implementing Unit for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria of the Papua Provincial Health Department, and representative of Perdhaki.

Leadership commitment critical at all levels for malaria elimination in the region.

The Leaders’ Envoy of Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA), Dr Nafsiah Mboi, has been working with the Indonesia Ministry of Health to deliver Workshops for acceleration of malaria elimination in the vital Eastern Provinces of Indonesia.

Why is focus on the eastern part of the country important?

The disease burden and malaria parasite distribution in Indonesia is geographically asymmetrical: 80% of reported cases between 2005 and 2014 were found in the eastern provinces, particularly Papua, Western Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and North Maluku provinces.

Who is involved?

The Ministry of Health, Provincial Health Office of Papua, APLMA and Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) are working together to advocate for acceleration of malaria elimination across the Province of Papua.

Shifting malaria elimination goal to 2025

The target date for malaria elimination was initially set as 2030. Following the May 2017 workshop, an earlier date of 2025 and corresponding action plan were agreed and adopted.

The workshop demonstrated strong commitment of leadership from provincial to district level leaders, as well as active participation of national multisectoral partners (e.g. National Planning Board, the Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Village Development). The provincial and district leaders assured ongoing work on the elimination agenda, while the multisectoral participants added useful information about resources available for provincial, district and village level malaria elimination activities.

Key successes and milestones

Gathering of 3,800 civil servants of the Provincial Government and heads of all departments for meeting in front of the Governor’s office. This occasion included:

reading of the declaration of commitment for malaria elimination by the Head of the Health Department;

signing of wall-poster of the commitment by the Governor’s representative, the APLMA Leaders’ Envoy, and department heads

signing of additional posters by civil servants at conclusion of the meeting.

Ceremony for signing of the malaria elimination declaration by the Head of the Provincial Health Office, and representatives of the seven participating districts.

Exhibition stalls hosted by community malaria volunteers to present their activities from respective districts.

Dr Mboi took part in a TV programme with Dr Beeri I.S. Wopari, head of the Implementing Unit for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria of the Papua Provincial Health Department, and representative of Perdhaki. The discussion focused on malaria in Papua and the high potential for the province to accelerate elimination.

Field visit: To observe health volunteer activities in the Rhepang Muaif village. The volunteers demonstrated an impressive level of knowledge about the malaria situation in their village and good relations with the Primary Health Care Centre.

Next steps

7-7-7-7: District action plan for acceleration of malaria elimination

This year seven districts participated in preparing a district action plan to accelerate malaria elimination. The plan adds at least seven more districts each year, so that by 2020 all 28 districts and one municipal area will be engaged in acceleration towards elimination by 2025.

Ongoing advocacy and monitoring support

Considerable support and monitoring will be needed to ensure malaria elimination remains on track. The Provincial Health Office has proposed that the APLMA Leaders’ Envoy revisit in about 6 months for:

continued advocacy, support and monitoring of accelerated efforts – both in the seven participating districts and to introduce at least seven new districts;

sustained implementation of the plan to assure that by 2020 all districts are in the provincial movement to achieve malaria elimination by 2025.

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