Partners Update – 8th Leaders’ Summit Special Issue

Dear Partners,  


The 8th Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit on Malaria Elimination was hosted by the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) in partnership with Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance on 6-7 June 2024. This pivotal event united local, regional and global stakeholders under the theme ‘Invest to Achieve Zero Malaria’. Overall, participants included 60+ international representatives from over 21 countries across the Asia Pacific region and globally as well as 100+ PNG government officials, partners, and health professionals attended the in-person event in Port Moresby.

The successful Leaders’ Summit featured a warm welcome address by the Hon Dr. Lino Tom, MP, Minister for Health of Papua New Guinea and (virtual) opening remarks by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the need for health system investment, regional collaboration, and innovative solutions. Guests of Honour at the Leaders’ Summit included Ministers of Health from Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste, Dr. Saia Ma’u Piukala, Regional Director, WHO Western Pacific Region, and Lady Roslyn Morauta, Chair of the Global Fund Board. National Programme Directors from 15 countries in the region were also well-represented. Papua New Guinea’s national delegation boasted representation of CEOs and Public Health Directors from 13 high-burden provinces, alongside Governor Hon Gary Juffa, Oro Province and Governor Hon Powes Parkop, National Capital District Province.

His Excellency Prime Minister James Marape closed this historic event, the first ever malaria Summit in Papua New Guinea, and reaffirmed the country’s commitment to malaria elimination and the recently launched EDEN Initiative.


Thank you to all partners for making this milestone convening a great success! For all our delegates as well as stakeholders who were unable to attend, please find here a summary of the event’s key outcomes and highlights. We hope this special edition newsletter is helpful and we look forward to your continued interest in future Summits as we work towards the shared goal of an Asia Pacific free of malaria.


Best wishes,

The APLMA Secretariat


Eliminating malaria and other vector-borne diseases through Enhanced Regional Partnerships (EDEN) Initiative

Health Ministers from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, and Vanuatu signed this initiative towards strengthening regional collaboration, technical capacity building, and financing to combat malaria, acknowledging the urgent health challenges faced by these nations. READ MORE

Port Moresby Outcome Statement

The 8th Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit on Malaria Elimination emphasized the need for investment, regional collaboration, and innovative solutions to combat malaria. Key outcomes included strengthening regional efforts, adopting a regional (EDEN) Initiative for integrated malaria and vector-borne disease control, and addressing challenges in Papua New Guinea. The Summit highlighted the importance of innovative financing and new tools for malaria elimination, with a commitment to a unified approach towards the 2030 goal of a malaria-free region. READ MORE

Papua New Guinea Provincial Leaders’ Forum

Leaders from Papua New Guinea provinces acknowledged the positive impact of recent interventions while highlighting challenges such as financial constraints, limited human resources, and coordination gaps. The forum identified potential areas for joint efforts, including resource mobilization, integration of malaria control into existing healthcare systems, and facilitation of knowledge exchange to develop innovative intervention approaches. As a country with one of the highest burdens of malaria in the Asia Pacific, PNG is crucial in the efforts towards malaria elimination in the region. READ MORE

Read the full Leaders’ Summit report here
Watch the introductory video shown at the Leaders’ Summit here
View all recorded sessions at the Leaders’ Summit here



Prime Minister James Marape recommits to malaria elimination in Papua New Guinea and Asia Pacific

Prime Minister James Marape reaffirmed Papua New Guinea's commitment to eliminating malaria by 2030 during the 8th Asia Pacific Leaders' Summit on Malaria Elimination, emphasizing regional collaboration to tackle vector-borne diseases through enhanced partnerships. READ MORE

Governor Juffa calls for action at Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit

At the 8th Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit on Malaria Elimination, Governor Gary Juffa of Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, emphasized the need for collaboration among governments, health organizations, and communities to eradicate malaria, highlighting the challenges of underfunding, poor infrastructure, and the widespread    acceptance of the disease in Papua New Guinea. READ MORE

Dr. Saia Piukala, Regional Director for the Western Pacific calls for unity in the fight against malaria  

Dr. Saia Piukala, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific, emphasized the need for unity in malaria elimination efforts at the 8th Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit on Malaria Elimination, urging stakeholders to strengthen health systems and community engagement to address the malaria burden in high-risk regions like Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. READ MORE

Dr. Élia dos Reis Amaral, Minister of Health for Timor-Leste shares her country’s commitment to eliminating malaria

Dr. Élia dos Reis Amaral, Minister of Health for Timor-Leste, reaffirmed her country's commitment to malaria elimination, emphasizing the importance of regional collaboration, integrated health services, and community participation to overcome challenges and achieve a malaria-free future. READ MORE

Dr Paul Popora Bosawai, Minister of Health and Medical Services, Solomon Islands calls for joint collaboration between technical experts to create a better solution for all

Milestone workshop on gender equality, disability and social inclusion in malaria control in Port Moresby unites national programmes towards reaching the unreached

A workshop focused on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) in malaria control on the sidelines of the 8th Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit on Malaria Elimination united national programs to address the needs of marginalized groups, emphasizing the importance of inclusive strategies and data collection to ensure no one is left behind in the fight against malaria. READ MORE


The Leaders’ Summit attracted local and regional coverage in various media outlets – key highlights below:

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