Former Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono named Special Advisor to APLMA


Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) is pleased to announce the appointment of former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as its Special Advisor. The sixth president of the Republic of Indonesia brings a wealth of experience and a distinguished record of leadership to this pivotal role.

The former president served office from 2004 to 2014, during which he demonstrated exceptional commitment to public health and sustainable development. His leadership was instrumental in advancing Indonesia’s healthcare infrastructure and implementing policies that improved the nation’s health outcomes. His dedication to combating infectious diseases, including malaria, will be invaluable in APLMA’s mission to ensure an Asia Pacific free of malaria by 2030.

Climate change in particular is threatening the fight against malaria in the region and indeed the world.  President Yudhoyono’s leadership post presidency on climate related issues has been remarkable: whether through his work as President of the Green Growth Institute or leadership in preserving our oceans through the Coral Triangle Initiative.

His Excellency has remained deeply committed not only to the development of Indonesia, but to generously sharing his wisdom, leadership, and convening power to benefit the region and globe. His stewardship and guidance are a boon to APLMA and a further boost to our collective efforts to eliminate malaria while improving health outcomes for our most vulnerable communities.

In conjunction with this appointment, His Excellency will be attending an upcoming End Malaria Council annual meeting as a special guest. The meeting, co-chaired by Bill Gates, Ray Chambers and Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will take place in New York, USA.

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