Yoma Strategic Holdings leads initiative to end malaria in Myanmar by 2030 (Yoma–APLMA media release)

APLMA CEO Dr Ben Rolfe interviewed by national media during the Yangon M2030 launch

Yangon, 20 August 2018 – Yoma Strategic Holdings (“Yoma Strategic”) is set to lead the charge for the private sector to raise awareness for malaria elimination in Myanmar. Melvyn Pun, CEO, Yoma Strategic will spearhead the private sector engagement for M2030, a regional movement that aims to accelerate progress against malaria and eliminate the disease in the region by 2030.

M2030 was created by the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance, an affiliation of twenty-three Asia Pacific heads of government. The M2030 movement aims to reach out and mobilise prominent business leaders as champions and advocates against malaria. Yoma Strategic is partnering with APLMA to work with the Myanmar Government and other private companies in the country to raise awareness and funds to support malaria education and other antimalarial public health efforts in the country. All funds raised by M2030 in Myanmar will be used to finance malaria programs in the country.

“While malaria has been eradicated in many parts of the world and we continue to make tremendous progress towards this goal in Asia, Myanmar still has high-rates of malaria transmission. There is an alarming rate of drug-resistant forms of malaria in the Greater Mekong sub-region, and we believe that through strengthening our cooperation with the government and other businesses, we can champion this great cause and eventually stamp out this silent disease,” said Melvyn Pun, CEO, Yoma Strategic.

Yoma Strategic has planned several campaigns to be launched in support of the partnership. Through social media, panel and roundtable discussions, the Group will interact with its many customers to provide access to education and social impact. Together with Wave Money and Pun Hlaing Siloam Hospitals, Yoma Strategic also plans to create programs to help support fundraising and malaria education.

Mr Pun added, “We have a great opportunity to increase malaria-control medications and interventions that will help save lives and foster the development of Myanmar.”

In Myanmar, an estimated 31.5 million people are at risk of contracting malaria. Malaria elimination is critical to saving lives and improving quality of life, especially among the underprivileged where the disease is more prevalent. Additionally, incidences of drug-resistant malaria have been increasing along the Myanmar border.

“Although Myanmar has made incredible progress against malaria in recent years, the country recorded over 100,000 cases of malaria in 2016, a sobering number for a disease which can be both prevented and cured,” said Benjamin Rolfe, CEO, APLMA. “I am thrilled by Yoma’s commitment to stop malaria in this region. Their support injects critical attention and innovative thinking into this effort, which will bring us closer to a malaria-free future for Myanmar.”

Today marks World Mosquito Day, a global awareness day which aims to call attention to the devastating impact of mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria. Continued, concerted efforts by the public and private sectors can help move the needle against malaria in Myanmar and ensure a future in which no person suffers from this preventable disease.

About Yoma Strategic Holdings (http://www.yomastrategic.com)

Listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Securities Exchange Trading Limited (SGX-ST), Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. is a leading business corporation with a diversified portfolio of businesses in Real Estate, Consumer, Automotive & Heavy Equipment, Financial Services and Investments in Myanmar. Together with its partner, the SPA Group, the Group is taking a conglomerate approach to build a diversified portfolio of businesses in Myanmar. The Company was ranked in the top 5% of the Governance and Transparency Index 2018, ranked 26th out of top 100 largest Singapore companies in the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard 2017 and won the Best Managed Board (Gold) Award at the Singapore Corporate Awards in 2016.

Group Media contact:

Ms. Sylvia Saw McKaige

Tel: (65) 9476 2581

Email: sylviamckaige@yomastrategic.com

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