
Located in South Asia, Bangladesh aims to achieve malaria elimination in phases, with effective interventions aiming to improve the quality of life of at-risk populations while contributing towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their strategy aims to progressively transition areas with higher malaria burdens to lower malaria burdens, before achieving elimination completely. The country aims to further sustain efforts by preventing resurgence of indigenous malaria.  

By 2025, Bangladesh aims to reduce malaria annual parasite incidence (API) to less than 1 per 1,000 population at risk in three Chittagong Hill Tract districts, in addition to interrupting local transmission of indigenous malaria in phases across 10 other endemic districts. The country further aims to achieve and maintain malaria-free statuses in the remaining 51 districts, while preventing re-establishment of local transmission.

Currently among the countries making up 99% of the Asia Pacific’s malaria burden, Bangladesh aims to eliminate malaria by 2030.

Indigenous cases
Funding Gap % (Global Fund Cycle '23-'25)
Elimination target: