Call for Papers — A malaria-free Asia Pacific by 2030: A reality in 10 years?

Community education and awareness raising campaign to end malaria at Khik Khrom Village in Cambodia. Copyright: The Global Fund

The special issue of Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies—the flagship journal of the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University—will review progress made five years after the 2015 East Asia Summit where Asia Pacific leaders endorsed a detailed plan to eliminate malaria throughout the region by 2030.

It will review progress and examine malaria elimination priorities for the next decade. This special issue aims to spark conversations on what needs to be done to ensure sustained leadership and progress towards the elimination goal, political commitment, adequate financing, and optimal access to health services and malaria commodities for all populations at risk. With this objective, we welcome abstracts on the following themes:

Leadership: The importance of maintaining political commitment, leadership at all levels, including at subnational levels and encouraging a multi-agency response to eliminate malaria.

Financing: Highlighting the need for more domestic funding for health, to re-think external grant funding and support innovative financing mechanisms for health in the region.

Access: Reinforcing the importance of access to affordable, quality commodities and health services, including tools to prevent, test and treat malaria, down to the last mile.

Communities: The importance of engaging communities to support the delivery of malaria services to the last mile, from awareness campaigns to community engagement and ownership in case management efforts.

Frontline: Addressing remaining implementation challenges to elimination in the region including drug-resistant malaria, the rising burden of P. vivax, and substandard and falsified medicines.

Science: Underlining the need for continued investment in research and development, new technologies and improved surveillance data to support malaria elimination.

Please find enclosed the Call for Papers. All abstracts (max 300 words) are to be sent directly to Dr Marie Lamy at by the 30th of July 2019. More details about the journal and submissions can be found at

Please feel free to reach out to us in case you have any queries.

We look forward to your submission.

The APLMA Secretariat

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