M2030 campaigns launched in Myanmar

Pun Hlaing Siloam Hospitals (PHSH) have launched M2030 awareness and fundraising campaigns supporting malaria elimination in Myanmar. Flyers and posters displayed in PHSH hospitals and clinics are educating patients and visitors about malaria elimination efforts in the country. Front-line staff are wearing M2030 badges to increase awareness of the goal of eliminating malaria in the country and beyond by 2030.

PHSH’s M2030 campaign is also raising funds to support malaria elimination programs in Myanmar. One hundred per cent of funds raised go directly to support malaria programs implemented by Population Services International Myanmar, one of the leading non-profit organizations fighting malaria in the country.

All PHSH facilities have installed cash donation boxes and are giving patients the option to donate by topping up any PHSH bill. Hospital gift shops are supporting the fundraising effort by selling M2030 teddy bears, with proceeds supplementing other donation efforts.

Pun Hlaing Siloam Hospitals are managed by Yoma Siloam Hospitals Pun Hlaing Ltd. under Yoma Strategic Holdings. Yoma Strategic Holdings is M2030’s founding partner in Myanmar, and we are excited to see PHSH launch the very first M2030 campaign in the country. Other M2030 partners in Myanmar include Wave Money and Yoma Heavy Machinery, also with exciting M2030 campaigns in pipeline.

APLMA created M2030 to bring consumers and companies together to mobilize business leaders, raise awareness and funds to end malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion and in Indonesia by 2030.

M2030 is both a brand and movement. M2030 corporate partners can use the brand for campaigns or for branding selected products and services. In return, they pledge funds to fight malaria in the countries where money is raised, working with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, or directly with reputable NGOs.

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