Malaria Week 2020 Postponement Announcement

Senior Officials during Malaria Week 2019 © APLMA

APLMA/APMEN is taking an active role in the fight against COVID-19 by prioritizing the health and safety of communities, our partners, and our team.

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, APLMA and APMEN will postpone upcoming events scheduled for April and May including Malaria Week 2020, the APLMA Senior Officials’ Meeting, and the APMEN Annual Meeting. We hope to reschedule these events for later this year and will provide an update once dates are confirmed.

We plan to move other APLMA and APMEN meetings online. We deeply appreciate our partners’ support in preparation of our meetings and events, and will continue working to promote collective actions for malaria elimination and beyond.

In the meantime, stay safe and united against the ongoing health crisis.

For more information about Malaria Week, please visit:

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